1. Standard Operating Procedure For Registration/Erection of Boiler / Economiser
Click HERE to view / download the Office Order of the Updated Standard Operating Procedure1) Submission of registration folder along with application for registration/erection of boiler online.
2) Erection Meeting for registration/erection of the boiler, if required.
3) Fill up of Form-B No. 1, Submission of requisite fees and Travelling Allowances for registration/erection online.
4) Approval of drawing of pipe lines.
5) Approval of erector/repairer.
6) Welding Procedure Specification approval.
7) Simulation Test of Welders.
8) Material inspection of boiler and pipe lines.
9) Physical and chemical testing of pipe lines.
10) Fit-up inspection of pressure parts of boiler and pipe lines.
11) Inspection after completion of welding and NDT marking for boiler and pipe lines.
12) Submission of satisfactory NDT report.
13) Post weld heat treatment if required.
14) PMI testing for all alloy steel materials including weld metals of boiler and pipe lines.
15) Approval of pressure parts calculation of boiler.
16) Hydraulic test of boiler and pipe lines.
17) Approval of form-IIIA of pipe lines.
18) Issue of Provisional certificate of boiler online.
19) Allotment of Registration Number of boiler online.
20) Engraving of registration number of boiler.
21) Steam Test of boiler.
22) Issuance of Final Certificate of the boiler online.